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The Gentle Power of Yoga Nidra

Yoga nidra, literally meaning the Yoga of Sleep, is an extraordinary and powerful practice. It is a great gift that enables everybody to enter a deep state of healing, rest and awakened awareness, that is a profound spiritual practice. Especially at this mid-winter time of year, it is vital for our wellbeing to get sufficient rest and quiet time. Yoga nidra, not only allows for us to be to be well rested at a physical level, but it also, with practice, can empower us to remain fully connected with other dimensions of understanding and awareness that heighten our intuition.

It is a practice with it’s roots in the earliest Indian philosophical writings, and it is also one of the fastest growing and most popular contemporary practices of yoga in the west. There are many different forms of the practice, to suit a diversity of needs and types of people. It is really important to remember that even though we describe it as a “practice”, it is, in fact, a very special state of consciousness: the meditative heart of yoga.

Total Yoga Nidra is a responsive and creative approach to this meditative practice, that respects and acknowledges all of the different traditions of yoga nidra teachings, and offers seasonally and regionally appropriate ways to engage with the practice. There is no physical movement required, it is entirely accessible to everybody. We are absolutely delighted to be bringing it to the Netherlands to share.

Want to give yoga nidra a try, you listen to some free online sessions here.

Are you interested in learning more about Yoga Nidra and experiencing it for yourself? You can join Uma and Sivani 20-21 January in the Vondelchurch in Amsterdam for the Yoga Nidra Foundation Course.

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